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The immortal void
Is called the dark womb, the dark womb’s gate
From her
Creation takes root
An unbroken gossamer
That imparts without effort

– Dao de Jing, verse 6 –

We live in times of separation, we carry deep wounds, individual and collective ones, that make us suffer and prevent us from connecting deeply to ourselves and to others. Modern times in our Yang-dominated society, where capitalist and patriarchal dynamics prevail, make everyone suffer.

The feminine has been suppressed and fought against for a very long time - we all feel the result of these struggles. Many people become ill and struggle with all kinds of imbalances and ailments.

Women are naturally closer to the Yin energy, to the physical, to Mother Earth, to nature, to intuition. They are closer to the inside than the outside. 

Yin lies within, deep down, hidden, in the dark. It stands for the mysterious, the unknown that lies beneath the surface. There is no place more Yin than a woman's womb.

Separation from this vital source (of strength) is fatal not only for women, but for humanity as a whole. Because we women are the source that holds together, provides, gives birth and nourishes. The global crisis, the exploitation of the earth - it is reflected in a dramatic increase in the number of so-called “women's diseases”. In my eyes, endometriosis (and all related diseases and complaints of the female reproductive organs) represents a deep crisis of the Yin, the female path, expression and the female power itself. Our essence deep down is literally bleeding out - just as Mother Earth is. This is a cry for help for a fundamental change and a sustainable transformation. It is time for new paths, new dynamics. It is time to begin deep healing.

By working with Qi, the life force itself, we empower ourselves to find the way back to our natural resources, in our body, in our nervous system. We bring awareness, movement and power into our center, in a very concrete, clear and loving way. By listening, feeling and practicing, we (re-) learn a language that we forgot to speak a long time ago. We take responsibility for healing ourselves and the collective - because these are not two separate things. 


Our classes for women are aimed at anyone who wants to explore the connection to their own femininity. It is important to us to create a space where women can find stillness with each other and under female guidance, and from stillness, movement can arise that reaches the deepest layers of our body and being.

Through movement, slow, steady, mindful and aware, healing becomes possible. Whether in workshops, one-on-one sessions, online or live, we offer mindful guidance, clear instructions for exercises, and tools to help your Qi flow freely and powerfully again. The greatest potential for healing that today's world so urgently needs lies in the connection to yourself and to other women!



The healing of the world has to start in a woman’s womb, the most Yin place in a human body. We initiate the healing process by connecting with our inside, our bodies, the earth and with each other. We release tension and blockages by listening deeply and by initiating gentle motion of Qi, blood and fluids.

Work with me

If you wish to be accompanied personally and intensively, receive practice inputs at your pace and experience process work in an intimate setting, you have the opportunity to book private mentoring sessions.

We take time to understand your situation, your concerns, your wishes, and put together a customized exercise program. 

You will be accompanied according to your possibilities, online and/or live. In addition, body treatments are a wonderful option to deepen the work.

Please contact us directly to learn more:

Renata Schoch

Qi Gong, the work with Qi, has silently but continuously taken and filled more and more space in my life.

The Methods in the way they are taught within the system of Path of Dao, are simple to learn and effectful from the first day. Through the practice of Qi, I gain access to my physical body, and to my emotional and mental body as well, which is very empowering and crucial to me. In our times, the feeling of being separate from the inside is widespread and causes so much suffering in modern men.

Becoming whole, be it on a physical or finally spiritual level: The way we walk within Path of Dao is a full and complete life path.

Sharing my experience focusing on supporting women on their path of growth and return has become a call at this point of my life. Being a student, practitioner and female leader on the water way, I perceive the creation of a learning space for women as a deep need in today's world. It all starts with healing the Yin.

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