healing yin – workshop cycle for women: online

ONLINE 2025 Language: English

The healing of the world has to start in a woman’s womb, the most Yin place in a human body. We initiate the healing process by connecting with our inside, our bodies, the earth and with each other. We release tension and blockages by listening deeply and by initiating gentle motion of Qi, blood and fluids.

As women, we are deeply and naturally connected to the Yin force. Feeling this connection, trusting it, is not easy in a Yang-dominated world. 

For generations we have been systematically disconnected from the understanding of our bodies, our power and potential. The number of women suffering from serious problems related to the female cycle is increasing at an alarming rate.

By working with Qi, the life force itself, we empower ourselves to find a way back to our natural resources, in the body, in the nervous system. We bring awareness, movement and strength into our center, in a very concrete, clear and loving way. We learn simple and very effective exercises and thus a language that we forgot to speak a long time ago. We take responsibility for healing ourselves and the collective - because these are not two separate things. 

Feel invited to join!

Healing Yin New Moon Cycle 1

After our first online cycle at the end of the year, we engage deeper into our female healing path. Rhythms, cycles, rituals, returns, roundness and circling motion - all attributes of the feminine - Yin. To give time and space for transformations to take place, to align with natural tides is where we can find healing, strength and inspiration. Working with Yin forces means working with depth, means sinking inside to the darkest places.

Workshop Prostrations

(10 Hours Weekend)

In the practice of prostrations we move from the center in order to connect Heaven (Yang) and Earth (Yin), following a pulsating rhythm, threading the motions into one big tide. Prostrations teach us to go all the way down and up again, to stay flexible and aligned, on a physical, emotional and mental level. The motion is very complete, works through the whole body and can be approached as stillness practice/mouvement meditation.

During the workshop, we will take two days to learn the prostration set by connecting all underlying and composing aspects. We aim to unfold the practice from deep within, into the periphery and back to the center in order to create a constant flow of Qi, blood and fluids. All qualities of motion, big and small, outside and inside, addressing even the deepest structures are contained in the prostrations.

DATES: January 18–19, 2025 | 9:30–16:30 (with a 2-hour lunch break)

New Moon Gatherings (6 Sessions)

Mondays around the new moon | 19.00 - 21.00

We aim to work with and deepen the practice over the following 6 months. Once a month, near the New Moon, where the cosmic energy is renewed, offers a clean slide, a moment of reflection and conscious fresh start, we gather in our space, to exchange, close one lunar cycle and start the next one, find silence, practice together, share our truth, challenges and insights, around the connecting practice and beyond.

The Workshop is a starting point to this cycle and therefore a prerequisite to join the gatherings, also for those already familiar with the practice of prostrations. To walk the path together with our sisters is a crucial part of this healing journey.

DATES: January 27, February 24, March 31, April 28, May 26, June 23

TIME: 19:00 – 21:00

Personalized Mentoring Sessions

Available for individual booking

If you wish to make these 6 months a unique and personal in-depth journey, you have the possibility to book 1:1 mentoring sessions with Renata during the cycle. Over 3 meetings, you will get personal corrections, can share in a more intimate setting whatever wants to be shared, ask your questions and find inspiration on your personal and unique path.

To combine the group practice, your personal daily practice and the guidance by your teacher allows you to transform and grow thoroughly and establish new awareness and connection with your body and your true female essence.



Healing Yin New Moon Cycle 2

In July, we start the second half of the year, again with an intense weekend-workshop and 6 following New moon gatherings. Rhythms, cycles, rituals, returns, roundness and circling motion - all attributes of the feminine - Yin. To give time and space for transformations to take place, to align with natural tides is where we can find healing, strength and inspiration. Working with Yin forces means working with depth, means sinking inside to the darkest places.

Workshop Buddhahands

(10 Hours Weekend)

During the workshop, we will take two days to learn the Buddhahands set by connecting all underlying and composing aspects. Buddhannds address the whole body, as all our Qi Gong does, but take especially care of the hands in their function as expression of the heart, as well as the spirit (shen). The connection between the lower and the middle Dantien will be emphasized through the practice of Buddhahands. The flowing set of motions is deeply touching by its beauty and will guide us into a very intimate connection with ourselves by literally opening our hearts.

The Workshop is a starting point to this cycle and therefore a prerequisite to join the gatherings, also for those already familiar with the practice of Buddhahands. To walk the path together with our sisters is a crucial part of this healing journey.

DATES: July 5-6, 2025 | 9:30–16:30 (with a 2-hour lunch break)

New Moon Gatherings (6 Sessions)

Mondays around the new moon | 19:00 - 21:00

We aim to work with and deepen the practice over the following 6 months. Once a month, near the New Moon, where the cosmic energy is renewed, offers a clean slide, a moment of reflection and conscious fresh start, we gather in our space, to exchange, close one lunar cycle and start the next one, find silence, practice together, share our truth, challenges and insights, around the connecting practice and beyond.

DATES: July 21, August 25, September 22, October 20, November 17, December 15

TIME: 19:00 – 21:00

Personalized Mentoring Sessions

Available for individual booking

If you wish to make these 6 months a unique and personal in-depth journey, you have the possibility to book 1:1 mentoring sessions with Renata during the cycle. Over 3 meetings, you will get personal corrections, can share in a more intimate setting whatever wants to be shared, ask your questions and find inspiration on your personal and unique path.

To combine the group practice, your personal daily practice and the guidance by your teacher allows you to transform and grow thoroughly and establish new awareness and connection with your body and your true female essence.


    CHF 475