path of dao

qi gong | meditation | inner martial arts | taijiquan | weapons

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Path of Dao - our mission

The greatest virtue is like water; it is good to all things. It attains the most inaccessible places without striving. Therefore it is like Dao.

– Dao de Jing 8 –

In times of constant growing complexity of our life, in times of high technology, stress and global burnout, of losing connection to ourselves, of excess demands and claims, disturbed day and night rhythms as well as time issues we are deeply in need of stillness and stability.

It is of great importance to find methods and ways to allow and help us finding and connecting to ourselves in inner stillness. All offers, methods and practices of Path of Dao are aiming exactly there.

They persist since thousands of years in the knowledge and wisdom of the Daoist tradition, were passed on and given to us. In our practice we aim to reconnect, to follow what is natural and thus being able to fulfill the potential of human existence.

We practice the waterway, which means, foundation of our learning and progressing is ongoing, continuous practice, conscious feeling, awareness, continuity, transformation and change instead of growth.
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Our methods

Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.

– Dao de Jing 67 –

Qigong teacher practices qigong form


“When it (the Qi) goes down it becomes quiet. When it becomes quiet it will concentrate. When it becomes concentrated it will begin to sprout. After it has sprouted it will grow. As it grows, it will rise up (to the upper regions). When it has risen up it will reach the crown of the head. Above, it will press against the crown of the head. Below, it will press downwards. Whoever follows this will live, whoever acts contrary to it will die.”

First document of “Dao Yin” - carved in two Jade stones about 600 b.C.

Taijiquan teacher Ron Timm practices tai chi


Tai means the highest, the ultimate, the complete. Ji stands for a state of…, for principle, order or just for being. Put together we could say: a state of complete being. A principle of highest, ultimate order. Quan originally stands for fist and refers to martial arts in general, which are named Quanfa in Chinese. So, we are talking about the usage and skills of our hands. We talk about acting and action.

Meditation is not sitting still, Meditation is sitting in stillness


Meditation is not sitting still, Meditation is sitting in stillness – cultivation of stillness.

Daoist weapon exercises in Qi Gong teachings


In modern times, traditional weapons are no longer known and in use. Weapons and their usage are often and mostly associated with violence and fighting. In Daoist teaching and practice the approach is a totally different one. Here, weapons and their usage play a superior and leading role.

Qi Gong and Taijiquan teacher Ron Timm practices internal martial arts


When it comes to (inner) martial arts, most people think of fighting and rough violence, physical confrontation – they see how sheer physical strength overcomes the weak violently, possibly with some tricks or magical superhuman powers. That is not at all what it is about. That’s not how we perceive things…

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Path of Dao

"Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear?"
– Dao De Jing 15 –
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What do we offer?

The inner is foundation of the outer
the still is master of the restless

– Dao de Jing 26 –

Regular Qigong and Tai Chi courses in Bern, Switzerland and in Warszaw, Poland

Regular Classes

With our regular courses it is important to us to be able to offer constancy in learning, growing and dealing with various things. The focus for us is on the learning path, the accompaniment of your practice by a teacher, as well as joint progress in the group of learners. We offer advanced and in-depth lessons in Qi Gong, Taijiquan, weapon practice and meditation, each over a period of one year, for all levels (beginners to advanced).

Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Meditation - Group Workshop Practice in Bern (Switzerland), Warsaw and Gdansk (Poland)


For two days you have the possibility to give yourself to intense learning and experiencing of a specific topic, to get insight in our way and proceeding or to go deeper into an already well-known subject. The workshops are open for everybody (beginner and advanced). We offer Workshops in Switzerland, in Germany as well as in Warsaw (Poland).

Gruppe von Menschen, die Tai Chi auf einem Qigong-Retreat in Polen praktizieren


Our retreats offer the most intensive form of learning, as we are retracting for one week, in a group of dedicated people, to dive into a specific subject. As an experience of learning without outer distraction, embedded in a setting of regular daily structure and intense practice, of exchange with the group and devoted reflection upon learning contents, our retreats since years have become a constant part of our path, always offering an unforgettable and intense experience to students.

Individual Qi Gong and Tai Chi exercises, lessons, body work

Work with me

We offer individual learning in one-to-one lessons, coaching, teachings in small groups on specific topics as well as Bodywork. If you wish to create your learning program around your needs and possibilities, we are open to discuss it with you and find your personalized solution.

"Becoming" Program

"Becoming" program aims to make your practice profound – to make you a super-practitioner. With this program I want to come closer to the ones that aspire. I want to be in a regular exchange, staying in connection with you to oversee your practice, growth and progress.

Online Practice

Listening to your needs and requests, we have prepared a series of online Morning Exercises. You are invited to practice regularly with our founder and main teacher Ron Timm.

Waterways – for women

Our classes for women are aimed at anyone who wants to explore the connection to their own femininity. It is important to us to create a space where women can find stillness with each other and under female guidance, and from stillness, movement can arise that reaches the deepest layers of our body and being.

Still Power – powerful stillness.

The Qi Gong practiced and taught within Path of Dao is very functional.

The exercises are not done for the sake of exercising, but aim for a defined goal. This goal is twofold: On one hand, strength and structure are built – this is the connection to the body and to martial arts. On the other hand, the nervous system will be relaxed and cleaned – stillness appears. This is the connection to spirit and meditation.

Still Power – powerful stillness.
The way that leads there is Nei Gong, inner work.

Ron Timm Qi Gong Tai Chi Still Power
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Ron Timm Qi Gong Tai Chi Still Power